Studio Goya, Akshita Mehra

From creating pretty light fixtures out of tokris from scratch to transforming an old colonial Jayanagar bungalow into a dreamy set out of a Wes Anderson movie, Akshita is one versatile design liege. Studio Goya strongly believe in experiential design and that’s extremely visible with their human approach to everything they’ve touched.

#IHBLoves – We think they’re absolutely on trend, because they don’t like being on trend, and that’s fresh! Also the fact that they focus on being largely eco-friendly and sustainable makes them super cool. We hope others take a leaf out of their book and follow suit.
Contact – | +91 9845696864 |
PureSpaces, Krishna Morzaria

PureSpaces is one of those rare gems that is on trend and constantly evolving, but absolutely dreamy and timeless. Imagine biting into a dainty looking classic French macaron from Laduree, only to find out there’s a sassy dash of wasabi cream in the middle, suited to the modern palate. That’s them alright!

#IHBLoves – This fierce all-women design army led by Krishna, juxtaposes boldness with feminity unapologetically and is essentially all the things that are right with this industry!
Contact – | +91 9886212000 |
Studio Slip, Kamini Rao

Youth, energy, freshness and irreverence personified, Studio Slip is slowly becoming a favourite. The founder Kamini, comes as a double threat with her interiors AND set design background. Whether it’s a retro American diner inspired bar, or a kiosk selling yummy cookies, all their work is undeniably uber cool.

#IHBLoves – What we love is, it’s not just interiors. Slip takes every client on a digital to physical roller coaster with loads of loop de loops that cater to a holistic design experience, be it rendering, mapping or set design.
Contact – | +91 9620266125 |
Office of Cognitive Design (OCD), Raja Arjun + Akshara Verma
#IHBLoves – What stands out to us though is that they also offer building solutions. This makes it super easy for clients to manage their own project and very cleverly bridges the annoying gap that always seems to exist in communication between all the parties involved.
Contact – | +91 9353364283|
5 ft Apart, Taarini Jouhari

5 ft Apart is all about making a meaningless space into a wholesome personal experience for you. Taarini, the head storyteller loves weaving tales using light, texture and movement and they turn out to be epic. They’re the entity you heard about when everyone wise told you that it is always about the journey and not the destination.

#IHBLoves – We’re loving the schizophrenia! The stark contrast that exists from project to project, with a whole gamut of personalities to choose from is so refreshing.
Contact – |
Studio Ruh, Kavya Sheth
It’s hard not to like their work. With her experience it’s not a surprise that Kavya’s design sensibility has such a broad appeal, whilst visibly retaining its own distinct soul and character. Their spaces feel like a hearty (yet super chic) plate of food that you’re finally glad to be h0me to and devour.
#IHBLoves – With Studio Ruh, client is king. We LOVE that. They nurture every brief with TLC and make sure they provide maximum satisfaction to one’s design appetite.
Contact – | +91 7406467573 |
Studio Gritt, Nithin Anthony

This find of ours, is literally #designporn personified. From the bold monochromatic drama, to the use of concrete, wood and metal (architects please stop drooling), Studio Gritt’s work is an international language that Indian design should definitely learn to speak.

#IHBLoves – Their workmanship with anything wood is absolutely gorge, and we’re really hearting the finesse that their strong architectural wing brings to their interiors.
Contact – | +91 9480848582 |